Sustainability Policy

Long term perspectives are important for us

Sustainability is a great focus for us at ESS Group and is becoming more and more noticeable in the world, particularly in the Nordics.
Making changes for the environment, nature and climate is important and we should strive for lowering our climate footprint.
The sustainability topic we are most passionate about is the work we do in CSR. We feel that we can make a real difference and we have high hopes of changing lives. Our driving force is to include and find synergies in the community that will, in the end, create well-being throughout the world.

ESS Group’s goal of creating hope and opportunities is defined by creating growth opportunities for everyone. We believe that integration is key when going forward in society and for our self-sufficiency when building our organization.

ESS Group’s vision is to create unique experiences for each guest. We promote sustainable development for and together with guests, employees, and the outside world, but also for future generations to experience a good, healthy, and sustainable environment.
We strive to offer experiences with a high level of quality and at the same time reducing our climate footprint. Our imprint should permeate decisions at all levels of the organization, involve all our employees and be integrated in a natural way at all our destinations.

We define long-term as being serious about our work and always doing things wholeheartedly. We are not interested in quick fixes or fast money but rather leaving a legacy and doing things that we can be proud of. We believe in implementing our actions step by step. Our vision is to improve little by little, day by day.

Our daily operations

We offer world-class individual guest experiences with the highest service standards and quality. We challenge ourselves in doing this by always choosing the right suppliers of, for example, laundry or heating, choice of produce in our menus etc. In doing so, we believe we minimize our climate footprint.

Our coworkers

We want our employees to enjoy themselves and to grow with us. We want to incorporate balance in their everyday life. We do so by giving them the best conditions, such as: clear expectations on what to expect, precise job descriptions, clarity in where to get support, as well as a balanced work schedule. We offer educational development and a clear culture that keep us moving forward.

Our Society

We believe in hope and opportunity. We use our voice to positively affect our surroundings, the public opinion, and politics. We want to create the world’s best workplace so that our employees enjoy working with us and so that they pass that feeling forward. Our CSR investments are well defined through training and opportunities for development. During 2022 we’ve started our own school where we offer apprenticeship for people outside of ESS Group, within the Nordics.

Moving forward through different projects

Our main objective is to be a long-term organization. And we believe in implementing the ways of working and the tolls step by step. The following projects are planned to be executed in 2022 and 2023:

Daily operations

  • In 2023, we are starting a project concerning food waste. We call the project Matsvinn.
  • We are aiming to certificate all of our locations with the certification “Kranmärkt”.
  • In 2023 we will demand a signed Code of Conduct from all our suppliers.


  • In 2023 we are starting the project “Sustainable co-workers” where we will focus on how to work in an industry that is open around the clock.


  • In 2022, we have opened our own external school within the ESS Group with apprenticeship trainings within the Nordic region.
  • We are launching our own recruitment app that creates job opportunities
  • More initiatives, locally at each destination