Padel at Fýri Resort


Prices & Reservations

Padel is today one of the world’s fastest growing sports and can be described as a mix of tennis and squash. A round of padel is fun for everyone, with a high pace and works just as well for beginners as it does for more experienced players. Ready to challenge your friends?


Reserve Your Court

We offer three courts and recommend booking well in advance if you wish to reserve a court. Our courts are outdoor, so we cannot guarantee good weather at all times. If the weather prevents the use of the court, the booking will be refunded. The person making the booking and at least one player must be over 16 years old.

At the Sports Club, you can play padel every day between 9:00 AM and 8:00 PM.

Want to play padel without staying overnight?

Ready for a round of padel but prefer to sleep in your own bed?
No problem, but remember to book well in advance as our overnight guests will have priority at certain times.

Need to rent a racket?

We have padel rackets for rent and padel balls for sale at the Sports Club.
In the Sport Shop, you can also buy your own racket or padel outfit.


60 minutes: 350 kr.
3 balls: 65 kr.
Rack rental: 40 kr.


The Rackets

Padel rackets differ a bit from tennis and squash rackets. The striking surface is full and drilled with holes made of foam of different densities. Each racket has a strap that you must wear while playing.

The Shoes

Padel shoes are similar to tennis shoes. The pattern on the soles of the shoes gives you a good grip and support for your ankles.

The balls

Padel balls are similar to tennis balls, but a tad bit softer and smaller. There are rules for how hard the pressure in the ball should be. If you are playing on amateur level, a tennis ball works just as well as a paddle ball.

But who’s counting anyway?

Padel is a sport that is played in doubles. The servant must be behind the service line and throw the ball diagonally onto the opposite field. However, the serve must be carried out on the side without crossing the pelvic line, not over the head like in tennis. The rest of the players can position themselves anywhere on the field.
The points of a game are counted like in tennis:

No point: zero
First point: 15
Second point: 30
Third point: 40
Fourth point: game
The set is won by the first team to reach 6 games while leading 2 games in advance and the match is won by the team to win 2 sets.

The glass walls

The court is one-third the size of a tennis court and is enclosed with wire mesh and glass walls which you can play off when you need to. Padel is played entirely within four walls which players use to their strategic advantage.
The glass walls allow you to play the ball off the glass, like you would do in a game of squash played off the walls. Yet it’s not the same as playing squash. It’s a totally different ball game altogether.


Unlike tennis, where the serve is done overhand (i.e. throw the ball up high and then smashing it down into the service block), in padel, the serve is done underhand, meaning you must bounce the ball once and then hit it below waist level.
Which makes it is easier to play the service, return the ball and start a rally. Both the first and second service is played underhand.
Each game begins with an underhand serve from the right-hand service court into the opponent’s court diagonally across, similar to tennis. The serve must land in the opponent’s service box.
Unlike tennis, you won’t aim for an ace. Instead, you‘ll try to find tight corners and technical spins. If the ball bounces in the service box and strikes the side or back wall, it is a valid service and must be played by the opposing player, if he or she is able to. If the ball lands in the service box and hits the wire fencing, it is considered a service fault.

Come again?

On a standard court (10×20 m), you normally play 2 against 2 players.
Points are scored like in tennis: 15/30/40/game.
The lines on the court are only used during the serve.
The serve starts the game and is hit from the right side of the court, and must land in the opposite service box on the other half of the court.
The game begins with an underarm serve, and the ball must bounce once on the ground before it can be played further by the opponent or hit the wall.
Each player has two attempts to serve.
If the ball goes directly into the opponent’s wall, it is considered out. Before the ball touches the opponent’s wall, it must bounce on the ground.
You can play a volley (not on serve), half-volley, or let the ball bounce off the glass-/chain-link wall.
You can also hit the ball off your own glass wall to get it over to the opponent’s side of the court, but not into the chain-link.
When the ball bounces twice on the opponent’s side of the court, your team scores a point.

Contact us!

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Do you have any questions before you wish to book? Please contact us by phone or email and we will help you!